Diabetic Eye Care - The Noctura 400 Tackles Diabetic Retinopathy While You Sleep

What is Diabetic Retinopathy

Elevated blood glucose levels, caused by diabetes, can weaken and thicken the walls of blood vessels. This is particularly damaging in the tiny blood vessels at the back of the eye. These can weaken and leak fluid into the eye, damaging the delicate visual receptors and leading to serious vision damage.

Diabetic Retinopathy affects the majority of diabetics. Within twenty years of diabetes diagnosis, almost all Type I sufferers and two-thirds of Type II will develop retinopathy in some form. It is responsible for around 1,200 new cases of registered blindness each year in the UK.

Noctura 400

How does the Noctura 400 work?

The Noctura 400 works on a very simple basis. It is a face mask that you wear while you sleep, containing LED cells, providing low levels of illumination to your closed eye lids. The lighting is low enough to avoid affecting sleep, but provides enough light to prevent the rod cells in your eye from activating. In darkness, these cells demand high levels of oxygen, putting strain on the weakened blood vessels in the diabetic eye and increasing risk of leakage.

How do I get the Noctura 400?

The Noctura 400 is provided as part of an ongoing monitoring program for your eyes. After your initial consultation which includes an OCT 3D Eye Scan and Optomap Ultrawide scan, you will receive a mask which you wear at night, for three months. We then carry out a follow-up examination of your eyes, including further scans every three months. The scans allow us to precisely monitor the health of your eye and the extent of your retinopathy.

Cost of Noctura Mask £250 (Updated July 2024) Plus cost of Consultation. See price list for current prices.

To enquire about a consultation, please contact the practices today for more information.

NEW*** Join our Noctura Plan and receive the Noctura masks for 12 months to your home address. The plan includes all you eye-scans and aftercare saving you over £180!

Noctura PLAN

£80 P/month
  • Pay for your first Noctura Mask (£250) and then 9 payments of £80 by DD
  • Receive Noctura masks delivered to your home every 3 months
  • Detailed Diabetic Eye Examinations - as regularly as you need them!
  • 3D OCT & Optomap Scans
  • Emergency Eyecare Appointments
  • 25% OFF ALL Spectacle Lenses
  • 20% OFF Lindberg and Silhouette Frames
  • 25% OFF All Other Frames
  • 25% OFF All Sunglasses
  • Priority Appointments - With Your Chosen Optometrist
  • 12 month Contract