Independent Prescribing Optometrist

What is an Independent Prescribing Optometrists?

Our Optometrist, Mohammed Hafejee is an Independent Prescribing Optometrist following the successful completion of the College of Optometrists Diploma in Independent Prescribing and Therapeutics.

This higher qualification allows Mo to quickly and appropriately manage many eye conditions that you may have previously needed to be dealt with by your GP or by an eye doctor in A&E. For Dry Eye Sufferers this means any prescription only medication or tablet can now be prescribed privately without the long hospital/GP referral wait times.

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Examples of What We Can Treat:

As Independent Prescribing Optometrist we are able to prescribe any appropriate medication to help treat your eye condition and in particular for Dry Eye and Blepharitis.

This could be steroids for conditions such as Uveitis, or antibiotic oral medication for conditions such as meibomian gland dysfunction. 

Below is a brief list of conditions we can prescribe for:

  • Uveitis/ Iritis
  • Antibiotics for Eye Infections/ After Eye Injuries
  • Complications after Eye Surgery
  • Antibiotics for Dry Eye
  • Cyclosporin Drops for Dry Eye (Ikervis/Restatis)
  • Steroid eye drops or oral medication
  • Antiviral eye drops or oral medication
Our independent prescribing service will issue a private prescription.
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